Sign Up

Thank you for being willing to participate in this research project.

The project is now closed for sign ups. More info will be displayed here later.

Google Chrome and a Google account are required to be able to participate.

The project requires minimal effort. All you need to do is to take two small surveys, install my Chrome plugin and use Google Chrome as you normally would. You will be able to see where in the world you pollute and your estimated pollution in the different countries your data have been sent to.

And for security measures, the plugin won't read any of the data you send, only the size and location of the data.

More information about the project can be found in this information letter.

As the research project started two weeks ago, not all the information is correct anymore. Anyway, I'm glad you want to participate.

The project consists of four parts:

  • The first part of this project will be a short online survey to understand your interest in the environment and better understand your knowledge of the internet and its climate footprint.
  • The second part will be one week where you will be using my chrome plugin DataCollector. You will use Chrome as you normally would, and the plugin will report the amount and location of the data you are using. You will not get any feedback nor be able to explore your digital footprint in this round.
  • In the third part, you will, during a week, receive information on how you can reduce your digital climate footprint. During this period you will also be using DataCollector, and you will be able to see where in the world you are polluting and your estimated climate footprint around the world.
  • The fourth part consists of a short online survey like the first one to see if you have changed any habits during the project.

The project will start at the beginning of week 47.

At the end of the project, all user details will be removed. If you at any point want to remove any data related to you, send me an email at